Innovation & Science

Creative Businesses

Latest Media Lift Incubator seeks content and technology ideas

13 April 2023
Deadline for applications on May 21, 2023 - nextMedia.Hamburg promoting local media and digital economy

Calls for Transfer focuses on recycling chemicals for circular economy

11 April 2023
Series (2): Scientists researching other recycling criteria - recyclability determined by quality of material until now

ZAL and Wingcopter co-operate on hydrogen-powered delivery drones

6 April 2023
Hesse-based drone manufacturer joins forces with Hamburg Center for Applied Aeronautics Research

EUR 7.5 million ERC Advanced Grants for UKE and University of Hamburg

6 April 2023
EUR 2.5 million each for three cutting-edge research projects

Seven key mega trends shaping technological progress

4 April 2023
Hamburg-based firms involved in tech trends shaping our coexistence
Future Hamburg Talks

Future Hamburg Talk meets Heidrun Twesten, Impacct Communication

4 April 2023
Female founders benefiting from Twesten's mentoring and work as business angel

Fegebank named science minister of the year

31 March 2023
Hamburg’s minister tops 2022 ranking of German Science Ministers

SMEs to work on circular economy in Hamburg's latest hub

30 March 2023
"Circular Hub Nord" to bring companies and economic stakeholders together

More hydrogen-driven freight transport thanks to Clean Cargo Connect

29 March 2023
Hamburg and Lower Saxony to boost decarbonisation of lorries

EUR 37 million for on-demand fleet of driverless vehicles

29 March 2023
Hamburg and German government to increase autonomous transport

DESY and U.S. Discovery Partners Institute become innovation partners

22 March 2023
Science City Bahrenfeld forges collaborations for innovation and transfer

Calls for Transfer scheme funding tiny implants for cancer diagnostics

21 March 2023
SERIES (1): Hamburg funds 15 new projects to put clever scientific ideas into practice
774 results
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