
Frauen legen Hände übereinander
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

International Women's Day taking off in Hamburg Metropolitan Region

International Women's Day falls on March 8, 2025 - a look at how women enter a profession and move up the ladder in Hamburg Metropolitan Region
Renewable energies

EEHH's vision of networked energy transition drawing closer

Europe keen on Hamburg's hydrogen activities - and more elements are coming together to advance industry's decarbonisation
Visualisierung "Haus der digitalen Welt" Rooftop

Hamburg gets "House of Digital World"

Meeting point in downtown Hamburg to feature wide-ranging educational and leisure activities - planning underway
Auf einer schwarzen Tastatur liegt ein goldener Bilcoin

Who or what is driving e-commerce?

Upswing in consumer confidence in online retail - trends, tips and facts from an e-commerce expert
Schweriner Schloss
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Schwerin investing heavily in tourism

Visitor numbers rise in wake of UNESCO award - city now planning World Heritage Centre and new hotels
Kinobesucher im Zeise Kino

Hamburg's Short Film Festival now Germany's fairest

40 years of short films - Ver.di presents Fair Festival Award
Mann auf Hotelbett im Grünbunker

Tourism on course in Hamburg

Room occupancy and revenue peaks - more overnight stays in 2024 and positive outlook for 2025
Junger Mann auf Fahrrad am Bahnsteig mit einfahrendem Zug
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Mobility alliance for Süderelbe region

Hamburg and Lower Saxony to develop sustainable mobility with southern metropolitan region
Hafen-Szene: Im Zentrum ein riesiges, von Schleppern gezogenes Containerschiff, links eine Fähre mit Touristen
Port of Hamburg

International boost for Port of Hamburg

HPA relying on co-operation to become sustainable, cyber resilient or maritime use cases 
Innovative Unternehmen in der Metropolregion Hamburg
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

News briefs from Hamburg Metropolitan Region

17 February 2025
Awards, investments and innovations across metropolitan region - from Fehmarn to Soltau, Cuxhaven to Schwerin
Luftaufnahme HafenCity

Hamburg to get new opera house

New state opera house to be built in HafenCity
Kultursommer mit interkulturellern Musiker:innen auf der Bühne

More than EUR 500,000 for intercultural projects in Hamburg

Ministry of Culture and Media funding projects and festivals in 2025
780 results
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