

Upswing in maritime sector

Positive outlook for shipping, port industries and shipbuilding - challenges remain
Innovatives Arbeitszeitmodell für Pflegeberufe

UKE honoured for new work model project

"Work 5.0" project at University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf wins "German Demography Award 2024"
Landstrom für Containerschiffe

MSC signs onshore power agreement for container ships

Milestone for low-emission shipping in Port of Hamburg
Stromnetz Hamburg als städtischer Energieversorger

Stromnetz Hamburg draws positive balance for 2023

EUR 79.1 million profit - record investments in Hamburg's energy grids

Hamburg's electrolyser for hydrogen production taking shape

Former Moorburg coal-fired power plant to become "Hamburg Green Hydrogen Hub"

Camm Solutions to end microplastics

Hamburg-based start-up presents alternative to wasteful to-go cups full of microplastics

HEY/Mobility Hamburg gets the future of mobility rolling

Mobility Festival on 12 and 13 June 2024 provides ideas and solutions for sustainable mobility

NXP celebrating 100th anniversary in Hamburg

Company among world's 100 most innovative companies - advancing Germany and EU's digital sovereignty
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg wirkt an Klimabilanz mit

Museums in Hamburg show positive carbon footprint

Emissions cut by 17 per cent thanks to "Eleven to Zero" - upcoming events

QSea I "Made in Germany" presented in Hamburg

First quantum computer demonstrator to boost digital sovereignty in Germany and EU
Arbeitsumgebung von Startups

Family background often driving force behind start-ups

Role models and education also crucial factors, survey by Bertelsmann Stiftung and Startup Association finds
Landstromversorgung am Containerterminal Hamburg

Onshore power now available for container ships in Hamburg

Suppy of renewable energy for cruise and cargo ships - pioneering role for Port of Hamburg
402 results
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