"The HafenCity 13 planning area is exemplary in many respects. Around 460 subsidised apartments are being built with emphasis on climate protection," said Karen Pein, Senator for Urban Development and Housing. Open spaces such as the completed Amerigo Vespucci Square are to be created between the buildings. The good public transport with connections from the Elbbrücken S-Bahn and U-Bahn station and car-sharing system with many e-cars make the district convenient and climate-friendly.
Senate approves development plan with emphasis on sustainability
The senate has approved plans to build 1,400 apartments in Hafen City's Elbbrücken creating a mixed-use, climate-friendly suburb. The plans foresee apartments, offices, retail outlets, restaurants, hotels, nursery schools and recreational facilities.
Climate protection, public transport and car sharing
Recyclables in construction
Sustainability is a top priority in the HafenCity 13. Many green spaces are to be created such as the Elbdünenpark on Kirchenpauerkai from environment-friendly materials. Germany's highest residential building named "Roots" and which is made of wood will be built in Baakenhafen harbour. Another cradle-to-cradle residential building called Moringa will be built from recyclable and pollutant-free materials in Elbbrücken.
Sources and further information
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