Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment, has termed the canoeists' efforts, "leisure, nature and commitment all in one". Launched in 2019, the initiative is backed by the Ministry for the Environment. The Danish founder of Green Kayak, Oke Carstensen, has welcomed the colloboration, and noted: "The fantastic result of a great partnership with the Ministry of for the Environment, involving the people of Hamburg. The city was the first outside of Denmark to join the initiative." Meanwhile, the green boats can be found in Berlin and Dublin and many cities in Denmark and Sweden.
Company provides free kayaks to clean up lakes and rivers
Around 2,000 canoeists aboard so-called Green Kayaks spent 4,333 hours removing over 8,000 kilogrammes of waste from waterways in Hamburg this year, a press release said Monday (October 10, 2022).
German-Danish environmental partnership
How it works
The green kayaks can used free of charge for two hours. The canoeists have to collect rubbish during the trip and are given tongs and bins. They can then share their experiences under #greenkayak and #sauberesachefürhamburg. The next event starts in spring 2023 near Lake Alster, Gose-Elbe, Bille and canals. Boats can be found at Zur Gondel, SUP Club Hamburg, Bootshaus Bergedorf, Paddel-Meier and Seehaus Hamburg.
Sources and further information
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