The network is managed by the Chamber of Commerce Hamburg in terms of organisation and content. It is both a platform and initiator of talks between stakeholders in business, science and politics across the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and beyond. The transfer of knowledge and technology, the development of know-how and the exchange of best practices are promoted at diverse events and through direct contact between the members of the network.
The “3D-Druck Netzwerk” in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region has relaunched its website with new functions and highlighting its members’ services, events and networking opportunities. Fast, flexible decentralized 3D printing gained importance during the corona crisis as a short-term means of producing PPE including face shields, door openers as well as masks and valves for respirators. "This is the only way for the Hamburg Metropolitan Region to continue its role as a leading, global 3D printing centre," said Henning Fehrmann, spokesperson for the network and Managing Partner of the Fehrmann Group.
Network functions as catalyst
Sources and further information
Free 3D print templates on coronavirus
COVID-19 3D artwork: The coronavirus pandemic has disturbed the global balance as more and more people have contracted COVID-19. The Makers scene and 3D printing companies around the world are committed to fighting the spread of the coronavirus and to supporting medical personnel and institutions. They also help people all over the world to prevent an infection. The 3D printing network has gathered free 3D print templates and presents them on 3D_Druck
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