The AI Summit will start with a welcoming speech by Prof. Norbert Aust, President of the Chamber of Commerce. Carsten Kraus, CEO of CK Holding, will give a talk on AI entitled: "The world is running away - this is how we keep pace". A recap of the Prompt-a-thon will highlight the possibilities of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney and give glimpses of Hamburg in 2040. The results will be presented in the afternoon by Tilo Böhmann of the University of Hamburg. Various breakout sessions will be held in in the afternoon allowing delegates to focus more intensely on the topic. Three sessions on understanding, developing and applying AI will be also be held.
Summit going ahead on August 31, 2023 during fAIstival in Hamburg's Catholic Academy
This year's AI Summit gets underway in Hamburg's Catholic Academy on August 31. Organised by the Chamber of Commerce, the Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg, the summit brings experts and users together to expand their networks during the simultaneous fAIstival 2023.
Possibilities of ChatGPT and Midjourney
Focus on generative AI
Four experts will discuss the responsible use of generative AI whiile Hendrik Reese, AI expert at PwC, will conclude the summit with a look towards the future. Delegates will have plenty of opportunities to network and share ideas. An overview of the agenda and a link to register are available on the website.
Sources and further information
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