"The first three cases from Hamburg's media and digital industry presented in our campaign epitomise what makes Hamburg's media landscape so unique: diversity, a wealth of ideas, a passion for good content and a good understanding of technology as catalyst of the industry. We are proud of Hamburg's media world and are pleased to give its unique success stories a platform," said Dr Nina Klaß, Head of Nextmedia Hamburg.
"City of Content" highlights diversity of Hamburg's content industry
A career in media has become a popular professional aspiration for many young people. And that is feasible in Hamburg, as nextMedia.Hamburg’s latest digital campaign "City of Content" reveals. Well-known industry professionals come out in favour of Hamburg as a centre of media and highlight the diversity of its content industry. Under the motto "Made it in Hamburg", they give insight into their own success stories.
Writing stories
Successful, Hamburg-born media professionals
Hamburg's media landscape can look back on a long tradition. Ambassadors of the "City of Content" include Philipp Westermeyer with his OMR Podcasts, Daniel "Budi" Budimann and the streaming pioneers Rocket Beans TV, and Aminata Belli's deep und deutlich (NDR) talk show for the Instagram generation. All three launched their careers in Hamburg and benefited from its extensive media network. As digital creators, they personify the mix of content and technology that makes Hamburg a "unique media location in Germany".

Sources and further information
nextMedia.Hamburg is an initiative of Hamburg's media and digital industry. Thanks to backing by the City of Hamburg and committed companies and its inclusion in Hamburg Kreativ GmbH, it lends support to new, sustainable business models at the interface of content and technology. The initiative sees itself as a hub andis the largest and most diverse network of its kind in Europe.
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