How do we protect the climate AND set the course for a strong economy? How do we shape digital transformation? And how do we master global challenges such as peace and security and develop sustainable partnerships and alliances with third countries? Post your ideas, concepts and visions on these and ten other topics on the multilingual, digital platform. Simply create your EU login.
The future of the EU is up to Europeans and despite the blows dealt by Brexit and the pandemic, the union is still going strong. The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission have launched a “Conference on the Future of Europe” to foster ideas and events for an even stronger bloc. Those interested can submit their proposals on the conference platform by spring 2022. The Young Talents Club (YOTA) in Hamburg is also taking part and preparing to pitch to a broad European public.
Concepts and ideas sought for ten thematic areas
European Citizens' Forums and Plenary Assembly
Other essential elements of the Future of Europe Conference are the European Citizens' Forums, in which randomly selected citizens discuss various topics, and the Plenary Assembly, which ensures that the recommendations of the Citizens' Forums are discussed. The outcomes are open and the subjects are not limited to pre-determined policy areas. Numerous events organised by citizens, national organisations as well as regional and local authorities will round things off.
Young Talents Hamburg Club
The conference gives Hamburg Invest's Young Talents Club (YOTA) an opportunity to pitch to a European public. YOTA gives children and young people in Hamburg insights into mostly technical professions and whets their appetite for training or studying. Companies, associations and universities open their doors and show their exciting technology. The scheme features excursions, programming courses and workshops on topics such as machine learning, experiments on wind energy as well as home-learning videos on topics such as winged screwdrivers, hovercrafts or the Cheerios effect. The YOTA Hamburg Club is funded by the Ministry of Economics and Innovation.
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