The city is co-operating with the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung to ensure that the first vaccinations can be carried out as soon as the vaccine is available. Dr. Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Labour, Social Affairs, Family and Integration, said: "We will start the vaccinations in Hamburg as soon as the vaccine is delivered. Some questions remain unanswered such as exactly when we can start, and the number of available vaccines, but our preparations are ongoing." The vaccine requires a high-capacity vaccination centre where it can be stored, transported and cooled. Large-scale vaccination in medical facilities and by doctors in private practices can only be scheduled when a vaccine is widely available, and can be delivered and stored easily. Two vaccinations may be required.
The centre for COVID-19 vaccinations in Hamburg is set to become operational in mid-December 2020. More than 7,000 daily vaccinations will be carried out at peak times. However, the exact start date and the number of vaccinations hinges on the approval and delivery of the vaccine.
Vaccinations may start this year
Law on distribution of vaccine
Leonhard added: "If a vaccine is approved in our country, it will be safe. We are now taking a crucial step in this pandemic. More and more vaccines will be available during the coming year." National laws regulate the distribution of the first doses of the vaccine, while the vaccinations are organized by the state. The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) at Germany's Robert Koch Institute has recommended offering the vaccinations initially to employees in the medical and nursing sector, personnel in critical infrastructure and people in risk groups.
Mobile vaccination teams
Hamburg also plans to deploy mobile vaccination teams as soon as a transportable vaccine is available. The teams will vaccinate people in risk groups living in care facilities among others. Visits to individual households, however, have been excluded. Registration is required for vaccinations in the main vaccination centre in the exhibition halls. Persons authorized for vaccination will be able to register online or make an appointment via a call centre.
Sources and further information
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