Hopes are now high that the festival will make the diverse uses of AI more transparent. "A wealth of stakeholders in Hamburg use and develop AI in very different areas. We want to make this diversity visible and give delegates an opportunity to talk about their experiences and learn for free," said Tilo Böhmann, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Hamburg. The professor, who is part of the ThIS! research board, will chair the panel, "Responsible AI", on September 5, 2022. "Anyone involved in AI should ask: Where does my data come from? Am I allowed to use it? And am I aware of all the implications of my application?" Regulations have to be taken into account when developing AI products and services as they amount to quality assurance.
The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine has already made headlines. And the technology has long since found its way into image and speech recognition, music streaming and navigation devices. But, did you know that some of these clever algorithms can be a tremendous help to professional hairdressers? "Your trusted hairdresser knows you and your hair. They know your preferred haircut and colour tones. Based on that data, AI could suggest a new, flattering hairstyle and give you a preview of what to expect," Dr Sebastian Saxe, CEO of The Interface Society (ThIS!) told reporters ahead of fAIstival.hamburg (August 29-September 3, 2022). New business models are also conceivable, Saxe said, adding: "Customers could receive offers for colour and care products tailored to their individual hair from their personal computers."
Great opportunities bring great responsibility
Saving energy with AI
Attention will on Friday be drawn to the theme of #Responsibility. Other themes include #Talents, #Business, #Society, #Creativity and #International while the focus on Wednesday will be on "Sustainability is international" - a particularly topical issue in view of the ongoing fears of gas cuts this winter. "Ragnar Kruse, the founder of AI.Hamburg, will discuss the issue with Professor Eicke Weber, joint chair of the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC)," said Alexandra Dannenberg, Project Manager of fAIstival.hamburg 2022. Weber will be on hand for a 30-minute Q&A session afterwards. AI also holds great potential for saving energy, Böhmann stressed, adding: "Smart home approaches have been around for a long time. Now's the time to use them cleverly by linking up e.g., solar panels on the roof, heat pumps in the basement and the e-car outside the door."
Sources and further information
The upcoming festival (August 29-September 3, 2022) aims to position Hamburg as a burgeoning centre of AI and to raise public awareness of the technology. AI experts will share their knowledge, present examples of applications and discuss the economic and social implications of AI. The fAIstival.hamburg is organised by Otto GmbH & Co KG, ITEC, AI.Hamburg, ahoi.digital, ARIC, Exponential Innovation Institute, ThIS! and the Hamburg Hacker School.
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