The "Companies for Resource Protection" targets production and service companies as well as handicraft businesses to tap existing potential for saving energy, water and raw materials. The Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB Hamburg) implements the initiative on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture. "The funding programme will boost highly efficient lighting technology with immediate effect. Replacing existing technology becomes economically attractive and improves a company's CO2 balance. The changes to the funding guidelines will make measures for climate and resource protection economically more attractive for investors," said Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment. The new guidelines have attracted a record number of companies and are contributing to economic revival in Hamburg.
The senate is putting another EUR 1 million towards the "Companies for Resource Protection" programme in 2020 as part of Hamburg's Climate Plan to save 7 million tons of CO2 by 2030. That foresees around 400 measures including the "Companies for Resource Protection" programme to boost voluntary investments in resource efficiency steps.
Uncover savings potential, stimulate the economy
Funding limits increased
The programme's efficiency check has been expanded both financially and in terms of content and now includes support for design planning and feasibility studies. Maximum funding for SMEs has risen to 40 per cent and to 30 per cent for other companies. The funding per ton of CO2 avoided annually has been standardized and increased for all technology areas. The extended funding guidelines allow investors to choose between the federal programmes and Hamburg's "Companies for Resource Protection" programme.
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