"Hamburg needs innovative solutions for the social challenges of our time. We want to promote these kinds of ideas to prepare our city for the future," said Ralf Sommer, CEO of IFB Hamburg. The Profi Impuls funding call #UpdateHamburg is in accorcdance with the senate's regional innovation strategy, which aims for "a city worth living in". #UpdateHamburg was launched in 2024 as part of the Social Entrepreneur Strategy and is now an integral part of innovation funding.
Ministry of Economics and Innovation providing funds - deadline for applications to IFB Hamburg on March 28
The Ministry of Economics and Innovation has earmarked up to EUR 100,000 in funds for projects that come up with solutions for at least one of the overarching issues of social participation, health, environment and education as part of #UpdateHamburg 2025. Co-operative projectsinvolving two and a maximum of four recipients are eligible for EUR 200,000 per project. Social enterprises and organisations that have been in existence for at least two years as well as universities can apply by the deadline of March 28, 2023. Pending confirmation, an application for funds can be submitted to the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB Hamburg) by June 30, 2025.
#UpdateHamburg 2025 raises standard of urban living
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