The jury had selected the project, which HIBB is undertaking with the Hamburg University of Cooperative Education (BHH), from 176 engtries. The BHH's degree programme offers the best of business, university and vocational education and combines practical teaching, knowledge of the entire vocational school system, academic skills and scientific methods at university. The project aims to create quality-assured structures in all three and to establish a new long-term training which could be set up in other German states and universities.
A project by the Hamburg Institute for Vocational Education and Training (HIBB) is one of 17 selected for the "Shaping the future - Innovations for excellent vocational education and training (InnoVET)" contest by the German Ministry of Education and Research. The project focuses on establishing a quality management system for innovative study courses and will be funded for four years, a press release said Monday (July 13, 2020).
Mix of company, university and vocational education
Nationwide use of concept
Hopes are now that InnoVET funding will help establish the concept nationwide with particular emphasis on personal advice for students and examinations. The methods and instruments used will be developed jointly and quality forums will be set up to further develop teaching methods, examinations and digital learning forms. Teachers can also review the quality of BHH's courses and revise them depending on needs.
InnoVET competition
The InnoVET competition is part of the German government's national further education strategy. The German Ministry of Education and Research had urged people in vocational education to submit ideas for innovative initial and continuing vocational training in early 2019.
Sources and further information
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