During the opening online event, experts including Dr Patrick Knöfel, a representative of the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Jana Dietrich in Leipzig's Geodata Service and Till Degkwitz, a representative of the City Science Lab of HafenCity University, discussed differences and similarities as well as the risks and and opportunities of digital twin projects. Emphasis was on how synergies and added value could be generated together in the future. Hopes are now high that the findings will benefit other cities and municipalities.
The cities of Hamburg, Munich and Leipzig launched Thursday (October 26, 2023) the new strg+c[ut] online series as part of the Connected Urban Twins (CUT) project. CUT is one of 73 smart cities model projects to develop sustainable digital twins for urban development.
Experts attend first online meeting
Measuring all of Germany three-dimensionally
As part of the project, measuring aircraft will capture all of Germany three-dimensionally and in high resolution. Launched in 2021, the five-year CUT project has received EUR 21 million in funding from the German Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building and around EUR 11 million in supplements from the three partner cities. The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) is issuing the funding for the model projects backed by the Coordination and Transfer Office for Model Projects Smart Cities (KTS).
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