The prize boosts economically successful ideas that provide impetus for a sustainable future. All eyes are on start-ups that pursue environmental and social objectives. Previous winners include Appinio GmbH, Nüwiel GmbH and Plancraft GmbH, who stand out with visionary, sustainable and successful approaches. The best applications will be invited to present their ideas.
Entrepreneurs across the Hamburg Metropolitan Region have until the deadline of September 30, 2024 to apply for the Gunnar Uldall Business Award. The prize named after the CDU politician Gunnar Uldall, honours innovative and sustainable start-ups with a cash prize of up to EUR 10,000. Forward-looking business ideas with a description of the business model, historical turnover, target figures and an accompanying video are welcome.
Focus on sustainability of start-ups
Experts award business prize
The Board of Trustees including Michael Behrendt, Hapag-Lloyd, and Aygül Özkan of ZIA Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V., will select the winners The prize has been presented since 2019 and is endowed with EUR 15,000. The first-prize winner receives EUR 10,000, EUR 3,000 for second place and EUR 2,000 for third place. The award is funded by AGA Unternehmensverband and INW-Bildungswerk Nord as well as donations from individuals and companies.
Sources and further information
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