The City of Hamburg has launched an online website for reporting measle protection measures. The Harburg District Office is trialling a digital appointment management system to help parents book school entrance examinations. In addition, all health authorities will be linked up to telematics infrastructure. This platform will allow different healthcare stakeholders to communicate digitally. According to Social Welfare Offices, Hamburg will be the first German state to use the TI application "Communication in Medicine" (KIM).
German government earmarks EUR 800 million for new technologies and more efficient public health services
The German government has earmarked €800 million for digitisation projects in the healthcare sector through 2026 as part of the Digital Health Department 2025 pact. The aim is to expand the digital infrastructure, network facilities and to simplify procedures for the benefit of the public.
Online services for improved public health service
Nationwide funding to accelerates progress
The national funding scheme is preparing health department across Germany for the future. Emphasis is on more efficient work procedures, e.g., software for supervising residential care digitally. E-files should simplify the work of health authorities. In cooperation with the Academy for Public Health (AÖGW), the "BUDDI" scheme offers courses to prepare public health employees for digitalization.
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