"The fresh capital will allow us to steadily advance our product development and to tackle the latest projects including a collaboration with Miele Professional via the TechFounders programme," said Axel Großklaus, CTO of Uventions. Thanks to Uvention's holistic hygiene management, viruses and bacteria are prevented from multiplying in offices, hospitals, hotels and elevators. Optical sensors map rooms three-dimensionally and ensure that no person or animals are exposed to harmful light. The UV light can be used for disinfection in public areas and during ongoing business operations, Uventions said.
The Hamburg-based startup Uventions has secured millions in its latest round of financing based on its "digital real-time hygiene" concept using ultraviolet (UV) light to stop viruses and bacteria from multiplying indoors. The startup's latest investors are IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH of Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB Hamburg) and vbw Beteiligungskapital GmbH, both of which will act as dormant partners. Investors in the present shareholder base have also increased their existing stake in Uventions.
Innovative hygiene management
Emerging stronger from crisis
Founded in 2019, Uventions completed a first round of financing in June 2020. During an an interview with Hamburg News last October, Daniel Ehlers, CEO of Uventions CEO, expressed optimism that the company would emerge stronger from the coronavirus-induced crisis and with additional investors. Interest in intelligent hygiene solutions is extremely high amid the pandemic, he noted, and the search for investors has proven successful. Dörte Bunge of IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH, remarked: "The extended Inno-Ramp-Up financing means we have laid the foundation for Uventions GmbH to launch on the market successfully. We are currently positioning the company for further market entry through this financing round." IFB Hamburg supports, among others, innovative startups based in Hamburg via the Corona Recovery Fund (CRF).
Sources and further information
Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg GmbH
The Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg GmbH invests venture capital in fledgling, innovative companies to strengthen promising companies and Hamburg's overall startup scene. The scheme provides for open investments of EUR 1 million maximum per company. Investors are the City of Hamburg and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in equal shares. The fund is managed by the IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank.
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