"Around 4,000 tests are performed every day, but fewer and fewer infections are being detected. The number of new cases is stable in the lower single-digit range," said Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks, Senator for Health. The lower level of infections has eased the path towards further relaxation measures. However, coronavirus has not disappeared, she stressed. Hamburg is taking another step towards normal public life with the new legal ordinance. Schools across the city are now open for pupils of all grades and they receive at least five hours of lessons in classrooms once a week.
Most cinemas, outdoor swimming pools and gyms across Hamburg can reopen from Tuesday (May 26, 2020) provided certain conditions are met, after the senate agreed to further relax measures imposed during the corona crisis. However, operators must meet certain hygiene standards and ensure that everyone adheres to the 1.5 metre social distancing rule. Operators of such facilities are obliged to record visitor data for contact tracing purposes in the event of a renewed coronavirus outbreak. Restrictions on general contact remain in force.
4,000 daily corona tests in Hamburg
Cinemas, live events, drive-in concerts
Cinemas can reopen, if they implement suitable hygiene concepts and observe the rules on social distancing. The Planetarium in Hamburg's Stadtpark, which celebrated its 90th anniversary this year, can offer visitors glimpses of far-off galaxies and planets again. Although major events have been banned until late August 2020, live cultural events outdoors with up to 50 people are allowed, if permission is obtained in advance. Drive-in cinemas and concerts are also possible now.
2.5 meter social distancing rule in gyms
Gyms, dancing schools and indoor playgrounds can now reopen provided they ensure users and staff meet a 2.5 metre social distancing rule during sporting activities to reduce the risk of infections. However, wellness and sauna areas must remain closed for the time being. Outdoor pools can reopen from June 2, 2020. Religious events can also be held outdoors provided the 1.5 metre social distancing rule is observed and appropriate hygiene and protection provisions are put in place. To find all the latest information on the coronavirus in Hamburg, go to www.hamburg.de/corona or ring the corona hotline 040/428 284 000, which is available 24/7.
Sources and further information
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