Applications can be submitted to Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft. "We are helping the launch of professional campaigns with the Hamburg Crowdfunding Campaign Funding. This will strengthen Hamburg's creative industries. This grant will benefit Hamburg's culture and creative industries twice over," said Dr. Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media. Entrepreneurs, companies, associations and foundations from Hamburg, who want to launch a crowdfunding campaign and need support preparing and carrying out their campaigns, are eligible for the grant.
The Ministry of Culture and Media announced Friday (May 8, 2020) seven scholarships for the visual arts backed by the ZEIT-Stiftung and Gerd Bucerius, according to a press release. The scholarships of EUR 10,000 target professional visual artists. Applicants can apply analogously or online on until the deadline of June 22, 2020. More information can be found on
A total of EUR 225,000 from Hamburg’s protective shield, set up amid the corona crisis, has been earmarked to help initiators of crowdfunding carry out their campaigns. Under a grant set up in late April by the Ministry of Culture and Media and the Hamburg Kreativgesellschaft, crowdfunders can apply for up to EUR 5,000 in aid to cover the costs of e.g. photos, texts, videos or graphic design commissioned by Hamburg's creative industries.
Boosting the economy
Grant for creative services
The applicants, regardless of business sector, can choose between different crowdfunding platforms and models. The grant must be used for creative services such as storytelling advice, graphic services or marketing advice. All the required documents and information can be found on
Sources and further information
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