"Our city needs creative places like the cannery where artists can find affordable spaces. The purchase of the cannery means the senate is ensuring that these spaces are preserved even in a developing city," said Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media. Marianne Janze, board member of TheSe e. V. and spokeswoman for the artists, remarked: "We feel really connected to the 'can'. Over the years it has become an institution, a cultural attraction in Hamburg and beyond."
The City of Hamburg has purchased a former cannery in Bahrenfeld at a cost of EUR 13 million from a private investor to offer artists long-term security, a press release said Friday (October 2, 2020). The purchase coincides with the 25th anniversary of the "Atelierhaus Dosenfabrik Hamburg". The present owner, Sprinkenhof GmbH, leases the building’s 28 studios to the artists while an association organizes the occupancy. Around 60 authors in the Writers' Room and other tenants working in the cultural sector can now remain in the complex in Bahrenfeld.
Magnet for culture in Hamburg and beyond
Former cannery
The former factory is now one of the oldest and largest studio buildings in Hamburg and houses various artistic initiatives and trades on a 6,150 square metre-area. During the mid-1990s, the City of Hamburg put EU funds towards renovating the building to provide artists with affordable studios. Apart from creating almost 30 new studios, the then Senator for Culture, Dr. Christina Weiss, initiated the Writers' Room based on the New York model.
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