In the foreword to the report, Hauke Heekeren, President of UHH, writes: "We want to be at the forefront of research, study, teaching and knowledge transfer to realise forward-looking developments and to write another successful chapter in the history of our university.” Multimedia elements such as videos, photos and illustrations give a comprehensive impression of the university’s scientific and socially-important work and its excellence. "As a university, we focus on opening up and networking with society; we generate knowledge by co-operating with science, business and society," said Heekeren. The report shows how the university is positioning and shaping its future through research and teaching.
The University of Hamburg (UHH) presented Friday (October 18, 2024) its redesigned, new look Annual Report 2023 targeting staff, academic institutions and those interested in gaining a deeper insight into the university's work. Emphasis is on outstanding research and teaching, the latest requirements and solutions as well as successes reached through the Excellence Strategy implemented by the federal and state governments.
Insight into scientific and socially-important
Focus on sustainability and digitalisation
The report also covers internationalisation, teacher training, campus improvement, new research approaches and formats in science communication, and support for students in difficult circumstances. An important component is the so-called "twin transformation", in which sustainability and digitalisation are holistically linked. In a video interview, Prof. Dr. Laura Marie Edinger-Schons and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gerling explain the importance of transformation for the university. The "Hamburg Declaration on Academic Careers" addresses the need to improve conditions for young academics in the qualifying phase.
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