The event is part of an international campaign by the Climate Alliance for improved air, fewer cars and climate protection. Around 144 teams with 925 members from Hamburg have already entered the campaign. Cities, districts, regions and municipalities, teams and individuals compete against each other and can track the kilometres cycled per app. Hopes are now high that Hamburg can exceed the 630,000 kilometres cycled last year and achieve a total distance of 1 million kilometres.
People in Hamburg are being urged to take to their bikes instead of cars to commute every day for three weeks during the Stadtradeln or city bike ride campaign from August 30 to September 19, 2019. The Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) is launching the campaign on behalf of the German Ministry for the Environment and Energy. Last year, the first city bike ride saved almost 90 tonnes of CO2.
Cycling for a good climate
Nicer Hamburg
“Cycling means fun, exercise, fitness and health. The whole city benefits from improved air, fewer cars, fewer traffic jams and more climate protection,” said Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment and patron of the campaign. Bicycles are playing an increasingly important role in Hamburg’s urban traffic and in the sustainable mobility mix. The expansion of bicycle paths and the bike fleet are important measures towards making Hamburg a bicycle-friendly city.
Sources and further information
About Stadradeln/City Cycling
Team spirit is central to City Cycling as climate protection and encouraging the use of bikes requires team work. Two people can register as a team. Alternatively, individual cyclists can join an “open team” that can be found in any community. The number of kilometres cycled are counted per app and Hamburg’s best teams and most successful cyclists are chosen. Stadtradeln won the EU’s “Sustainable Energy Europe Award” in 2011 and the “National Energy Globe Award Germany” in 2015.
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