„Aufgrund der positiven Geschäftsentwicklungen im letzten Jahr planen wir in 2021 einen Umsatz im achtstelligen Bereich“, sagt Mitgründer Aaron Spandehra, der das intuitive Handling und die einfache Abwicklung als Stärken der cloudbasierten Plattform nennt. So sollen Live-Tracking, eine automatische Zahlungsabwicklung und digitale Dokumente für mehr Flexibilität und Transparenz im Container-Trucking sorgen. Das Angebot des Startups richte sich an Auftraggeber*innen, selbstständige Trucker*innen und Transportunternehmen.
The driveMyBox startup has announced plans to roll out across Germany on the heels of initial success in southern Germany, a press release said Tuesday (February 9, 2021). The Hamburg-based company provides an entirely digital platform free of charge, on which clients and service providers can handle transports of truck/containers easily and safely. The company is setting new standards in the co-ordination and processing of orders. From 2021, with the Port of Hamburg as the next milestone, the business area will be expanded from south north.
Digitalisierung der Container-Logistik

Avoiding empty runs and long waits
Leonard Heilig, CTO of driveMybox, commented: "We develop optimization processes and machine learning algorithms based of a modern cloud platform that create plenty of added value for our users." The digitisation of truck container traffic is presently done based on isolated solutions and a delayed exchange of information, which is inefficient and costly, he added. The driveMybox platform avoids empty runs, unproductive waiting and raises transparency. Bookings have so far been done via transhipment stations in Munich, Nuremberg, Ulm and Kornwestheim.
Sources and further information
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