The drive-in cinema "Bewegte Zeiten" had been converted for the day and screened the movies "Das perfekte Geheimnis“, "Die Känguru-Chroniken", "Knives Out" and "Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding". The moviegoers included Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport and Mobility Transition, and Michael Otremba, Managing Director of Hamburg Marketing GmbH, and Matthias Elwardt, Manager of the Zeise cinema, who later gave short talks on Hamburg's efforts to promote cycling.
More than 1,500 cinema fans and cyclists attended Friday (August 7, 2020) Hamburg’s first outdoor cinema for cyclists on the Heiligengeistfeld. The event is part of the cycling campaign "Fahr ein solidarisches Hamburg".
From drive-in cinema to outdoor to bicycle cinema
Bike-friendly city and solidarity in Hamburg
Tjarks remarked: "Hamburg is set to become a city of bicycles. We have sent a great signal for a bicycle-friendly city and solidarity in Hamburg with the first outdoor cinema for cyclists. It highlights the bicycle as an ecological means of transport and shows how this city can change for the better by boosting bicycle traffic." Otremba added: "The great response shows clearly how many people already cycle in the city and support the event actively."
Sources and further information
Promoting solidarity in Hamburg
Since June 2016, Hamburg has sought to improve bicycle traffic and bike-friendliness via the "Alliance for Cycling" (Bündnis für den Radverkehr). Apart from structural measures and services, Hamburg Marketing GmbH has also launched a three-year campaign to boost cycling and raise the standard of living in Hamburg in close co-operation with the Ministry of Transport and Mobility Transition. Designed by the Jung von Matt/Sports agency, the campaign promotes willingness to cycle and makes the city's commitment more visible as well as encouraging courtesy among road users in Hamburg.
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