"We do everything to create a working environment that is marked by mutual respect and recognition. The award shows that we are on the right track," said Sven Schwarz, Drector of the Hamburg Short Film Festival. The award is based on an anonymous survey conducted by ver.di among all employees of German film festivals. Interviewees were asked about the fairness of working conditions in categories such as working atmosphere, equality, payment and participation. The Short Film Festival Hamburg scored best in 2024 making it the fairest film festival nationwide. It also won the "Fair Festival Award" in 2021.
The Short Film Festival Hamburg has won the Fair Festival Award for the fairest working conditions in Germany. The award was presented by the AG Festivalarbeit ver.di during the Berlinale Film Festival underway from February 13-23, 2025 in Berlin.
Mutual respect and recognition
Around 400 short films in Hamburg
"Our goal must be to achieve good working conditions in the cultural sector as well, so that employees do not have to go beyond their own limits," said Dr Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media in Hamburg. "That requires fair working conditions and a good working atmosphere. In this respect, the Hamburg Short Film Festival has set a good example for a long time." Submissions are now open for the 41st Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg and the Junges Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg Mo&Friese underway from June 3-8, 2025. Around 400 international films are screened every year. Click here for more information about the submission
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