A model digital company called CareVi will allow students to test the contents of their course. HAW's virtual care company consists of an office, a senior citizens' centre and an outpatient care service. Prof. Dr. Peter Stratmeyer, Academic Director of the Continuing Education, said: "This will allow participants to handle realistic management tasks such as writing duty rosters, conducting age structure analyses, developing culturally sensitive familiarisation concepts and dealing with customer complaints independent of time and location." Students will get to know different management levels and how living areas and team management, nursing service management and facility management function in the virtual company.
The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) has added a part-time course entitled "Management Skills for Managers in Care Facilities" to qualify employees for management positions in health care and integration facilities from March 15, 2021. The five-semester course targets qualified professionals, who wish to acquire scientifically sound and relevant management skills, which will be taught in a virtual care company.
Virtual care company
Study concept
According to HAW, the study concept has been co-ordinated with the Ministry of Health and Consumer Protection and meets the regulations on legal qualification as stipulated by the Hamburg Housing and Care Quality Act. Due to similar legal regulations, the course is also suitable for care professionals in Lower Saxony, Bremen, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein.
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