“As a DB subsidiary, we are part of the lifeline of this society. We therefore consider it our social duty to make a contribution to the operation of this country. With ioki cares, we want to assist in making the daily work of helpers easier through individual and reliable mobility,” said Michael Barillère-Scholz, Managing Director of ioki. An employer registers their employees and the shuttle can be booked via the ioki Hamburg app. Every Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., ioki Hamburg offers transport for patients in local medical centres. Patients who would like to use the shuttle service should register their travel request in advance through their respective doctor’s surgery, which then books the service.
Deutsche Bahn's on-demand shuttle available 24/7 in Lurup and Osdorf
Deutsche Bahn’s ioki Hamburg on-demand service, operated in collaboration with the Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein GmbH (VHH), is providing a free 24/7 shuttle service for employees in medical centres and care facilities as well as for patients in Lurup and Osdorf, a press release said Tuesday (April 14, 2020). During the corona pandemic, ioki is making its on-demand platform available free of charge to cities, municipalities, communities, transport companies, social institutions, aid organizations and associations in Germany for use as part of its “ioki cares” campaign. The platform ensures that people with system-relevant professions remain mobile and helps carers to look after people in quarantine.
Ioki Cares
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