"We have taken impulses from society to drive forward the overhaul of administration and tackled concepts to accelerate digitisation," said Jan Pörksen, Chairman of the IT Planning Council. Apart from the Online Access Act, emphasis was also on updating the register and the new "One for All" model. Modern, networked registers should ease the exchange of data between different administrative units. People would not have to submit existing data several times. Under the "One for All" model, online services developed by one federal state are made available to all other states. To this end, Hamburg has drafted a catalogue of requirements and named a marketplace for the "One for All" model and co-ordinated architecture for updating the register as criteria, the senate said.
IT Planning Council Hamburg calls for more co-operation with start-ups
The national IT Planning Council, chaired by Hamburg this year, is ending on a positive note as the city prepares to hand over the chairmanship to the German government on January 1, 2022. Under the Online Access Act (OZG), the council is tasked with standardizing administrative services in Germany by late 2022 and providing citizens and businesses with easy digital access.
Hamburg pushing ahead with digitalisation
More co-operation between administration and start-ups
Hamburg has also identified opportunities for co-operating with external innovators and start-ups. Recommendations were made for funding and start-up-friendly tender conditions. The momentum from the chairmanship would continue into the New Year and work on digitalising services will go "full steam ahead", Pörksen said. "This is a big challenge that we want to advocate for with the German government and the other states."
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