Tschentscher presented retiring HamburgAmbassadors with the Ritzebüttel-Portugaleser (special coinage of the Hamburg Mint) to thank them for their commitment. The ceremony was followed by breakfast hosted by the senate. This year's meeting is being held under the theme of "Climate Excellence in Science and Business" with talks and presentations on climate change, climate policy and climate economy. Katharina Fegebank, Deputy Mayor of Mayor presented Hamburg as a beacon of climate research, while Dr. Malte Heyne, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, outlined Hamburg's climate objectives in economic terms.
Thirty-one voluntary HamburgAmbassadors, who work on behalf of the city in 24 countries, met Dr Peter Tschentscher, Mayor of Hamburg, on Monday. The emissaries are reconvening from May 1 to 4, 2022 for the first time since the pandemic caused a two-year hiatus. Dr. Rolf Strittmatter, CEO of Hamburg Marketing GmbH, which has organised the latest summit, noted: "Hamburg is a model of the energy transition and modern climate protection in Germany. The HamburgAmbassadors are important partners in positioning Hamburg internationally as a city of the future."
Sixteenth HamburgAmbassadors meeting
Excursions planned
The HamburgAmbassadors will undertake several excursions e.g., to the multi-metal supplier Aurubis, with the participation of Hamburger Energiewerke and Gasnetz Hamburg, the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and the University of Hamburg's Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climate Change and Society (CLICCS) this week. Other topics on agenda include the refurbished Congress Center Hamburg (CCH), and the Elbphilharmonie, which is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year, and a backstage tour of the Harry Potter musical in Hamburg.
Launched in 2005 by the Senate Chancellery, the Chamber of Commerce and Hamburg Marketing GmbH, candidates for the office of HamburgAmbassador must meet strict criteria. Under the scheme, HamburgAmbassadors work closely with the city, live permanently abroad and hold outstanding positions in business, culture or society there. They promote the city at business events, give keynote speeches and host Hanseatic-themed events and meetings.
Sources and further information
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