"The mobility transition necessitates changed drives. Reducing C02 emissions is an enormously important goal, especially for transport. This is exactly where the 'Zukunftstaxi' project comes in. A proven, reliable mobility service becomes even better by making taxis quieter, emission-free and more inclusive in future," said Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport and Mobility Transition. E-taxi ranks with fast-charging stations simliar to those on Alsterdorfer Markt and at the Eidelstedt S-Bahn station are needed to switch to zero-emission taxis. Grants of up to EUR 10,000 per location are available for private companies, institutions and charging infrastructure providers to set up small e-taxi ranks on their premises.
Around 40 new e-taxi ranks with fast charging stations are to be built all over Hamburg to cater to some 255 e-taxis now on roads, a press release said Sunday (November 27, 2022). The city is co-operating with taxi companies, taxi funds and taxi associations to convert around 2,700 vehicles to emission-free drives. E-taxis can be spotted easily in Hamburg thanks to their green outer mirrors.
Up to EUR 10,000 for e-taxi ranks
Tonnes of CO2 saved since 2021
Around 1,750 tonnes of C02 have been saved since the the "Future Taxi" scheme launched in April 2021 with only four e-taxis. The scheme boosts the conversion of taxis to alternative drives and setting up new charging stations for e-taxis and is proving increasingly popular among taxi companies. The so-called climate title subsidies of the 1st and 2nd stage for 400 e-taxis and 60 inclusive taxis have already been awarded. Interested taxi companies can apply for funding, if required.
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