Around EUR 43,000 has been set aside for digital and multimedia offers to raise the visibility of industrial heritage. Most monuments can be found on the waterfronts. Tourists can now learn about them at any time whereas previously they could only be viewed during the "Industrial Heritage Days" which were first held in 2021 and met with great success. Clearly, digital offers and advertising campaigns e.g., in social media, were lacking at the time.
More digital offers on industrial heritage in metropolitan region
The Hamburg Metropolitan Region is presenting even more digital offers on industrial culture along the Elbe River as part of the EU Star Cities project. Information such as routes and maps, a podcast and films showing historic ships, shipyards, lighthouses and water mills have been created. The upcoming "Days of Industrial Heritage on the Waterfront" from September 23-24, 2023 will highlight the potential of these sites for sustainable tourism and promote industrial heritage.
Industrial culture in metropolitan region
Digital offers thanks to EU INTERREG project
The "Star Cities" project highlights attractive offers outside of tourist hotspots in the Rome, Paris, Ljubljana, Kaunas and Hamburg regions. Although development along riverbanks holds real opportunity for European cities to create innovative and sustainable tourism, such areas are rarely seen as touristic spots and are inadequately addressed by tourism policies. The EU project has allowed the Hamburg Metropolitan Region to transfer a solution first used in Venice. The Days of Industrial Culture on the Waterfront will be held every two years when monuments such as old warehouses and industrial machinery can be visited.
Sources and further information
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