Expansion of the bicycle route is already underway and in 2019, sections of several cycle routes are to be built or completed. Plans are also being laid to renew existing cycle routes and cycle traffic facilities as well as road maintenance management and bus optimisation. Feasibility studies are to be developed for fast bike lanes on the approach to Hamburg.
Hamburg is aiming to boost infrastructure, expand cycle paths and improve service and communication for cyclists in 2019. New Bike+Ride stations will be added and the urban bike system will be updated and enlarged. “The cycling network is growing and becoming even more densely meshed. In 2019, we will again experience a boost so that Hamburg remains a city worth living in,” said Kirsten Pfaue, cycling coordinator
Progress is also being made setting up Bike+Ride facilities. Around 1,200 to 1,500 new parking spaces are to be built every year. More stations are to follow in the course of 2019. Stadtrad Hamburg is not available for use from January 2-31, 2019 and will relaunch on February 1 with a brand new and larger bicycle fleet. Trial runs of 20 cargo bikes will start in spring and new city bike stations will gradually go into operation in undeveloped districts of Hamburg.
From 2019, a marketing campaign will provide information about new cycling offers and should make cycling in Hamburg even more attractive. This will be linked to a campaign focusing on road safety and mutual consideration. The bicycle traffic counting network will also be expanded and the results and assessments will be available live online.
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