The website will present information on pioneering north German hydrogen projects and the latest hydrogen news and events. "The website will offer citizens a transparent portal where they can learn about plans and projects," said Michael Westhagemann, Senator for Economics. Kristina Vogt, Bremen's Senator for Economic Affairs, added: "Overviews of the northern German stakeholders and hydrogen hubs, guides to funding schemes and public procurement, for instance, have been prepared and will be published shortly."
The states of Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Bremen and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have launched a new website on to raise the transparency of north Germany's hydrogen strategy and to make it tangible and understandable, according to the Ministry of Economics. The cross-border strategy aims to seize the potential for synergy and use the geographical advantages offered by north German states to establish a vibrant green hydrogen sector.
Combined information
More transparent hydrogen strategy
The North German Hydrogen Strategy was developed by experts in business and science and was adopted in 2019. The strategy is divided into four fields of action: "Hydrogen Infrastructure", "Value Creation Through Hydrogen", "Hydrogen in Guidelines, Regulations and Schemes", and "Hydrogen Acceptance and Education". The new website will raise the visibility of the collaboration and its results.
Sources and further information
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