The senate is keen to speed up planning permission in view of increasingly complex approval procedures. "The aim is to use existing resources more efficiently, relieve the burden on the construction and housing sector and create more affordable housing in Hamburg," said Karen Pein, Senator for Urban Development and Housing. All documents including building plans can be uploaded, submitted documents checked or supplements submitted. Digitisation should speed up the processes considerably, save mountains of paper and reduce costs for property owners.
Online services from January 2024 likely to speed up procedures and cut costs
Planning permission will go digital from January 2024 and can be done online via "Bauantrag 2.0". All the authorities involved can access a single file and carry out the required measures digitally. That should leading to swifter, more efficient procedures for property owners and authorities.
Easing the burden on building and housing sector
All services to go digital
The City of Hamburg launched a pilot project on digital planning approval in late 2021. A test phase parallel to paper-based applications began in spring 2023 and saw around 50 per cent of applicants request planning permission digitally. Plans are being laid for all of the planning authority's services to go digital in future.
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