The IDEA prize is awarded for ideas and to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to gender equality in the digital space with their forward-looking activities. The prize will be awarded every two years initially until 2026, and is endowed with a maximum of EUR 25,000. The awards will be presented on November 1, 2022 during a reception in Hamburg's City Hall and which will be broadcast per video stream.
Online applications are now being accepted for this year's' "Innovation in Digital Equality Award" (IDEA) until the deadline of August 24, 2022. Launched by the senate, the award honours innovations and ideas that use digitalisation to create more equal opportunities across the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. The entries can be creative digital solutions for everyday life or technical innovations in a professional context. The limits to the areas of application are boundless and range from health, science and to the home.
Endowed with up to EUR 25,000
"Promotional Prize" and "Honorary Award"
The IDEA prize is presented in the categories "Promotional Prize" and "Honorary Prize". The sponsorship prize is awarded for exisiting technical innovations or ideas that digitally transfer gender equality-orientated analogue solutions and that digitally rethink gender equality. Individuals, associations, organisations as well as institutions, initiatives, companies and projects can enter. The prize money should help turn these concepts into reality. The honorary prize is awarded to women, who have shown outstanding commitment to digital equality or who have shaped the digital economy to a great extent.
Sources and further information
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