Those with a minimum of 25 disposable bottles for collection can fill out a form and set up an appointment. The service is available to both households and companies. Paper and used glass are collected for a fee as Recyclehero disposes of the goods itself. More Information can be found on the Recyclehero webpage. Around 7,000 deposit bottles were collected during a first, two-week tour of downtown Hamburg in June which earned around EUR 1,300 for the homeless shelter.
The founders of Recyclehero, Alessandro Cocco and Nadine Herbrich, have launched a new campaign until Sunday (November 29, 2020) as part of the “Fahr ein solidarisches Hamburg". Recylehero is now collecting deposits on recyclable goods e.g. glass bottles from residents of Hamburg and putting the proceeds towards the homeless shelter "Leben im Abseits e. V." Recyclehero’s collection service for waste paper, used glass and returnable bottles is done per cargo bike and normally offers the unemployed and refugees a low-threshold entry to the job market. However, the corona pandemic and restrictions on contact have seen recyclable goods pile up in buildings where people are working from home. Beneficiaries now lack the monies normally earned from the deposits.
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Recyclehero becoming bridge builder to job market
Founded in Hamburg in 2018, Recylcehero employs mostly socially and financially disadvantaged people and helps them reenter society. During the pandemic, Cocco and Herbrich changed tack and began providing homeless people with hot soup and hygiene articles. The proceeds of deposits in November are now going towards "Leben im Abseits e.V", which helps the homeless financially and to find a new footing in society.
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