
Reeperbahn Festival to host second "re:publica" festival

15 June 2023
Conference on digital society scheduled for September 20-23, 2023 in Hamburg - merger to pool strengths of both festivals

This year's Reeperbahn Festival will go live from September 22 to 23, 2023 and featuring a second re:publica festival in Hamburg, a press release said Wednesday (June 7, 2023). Normally held once a year in Berlin, the organisers of the re:publica conference on the digital society and those behind the Reeperbahn Festival are joining forces. Under the agreement, Europe's platform for the international music industry will stage a second re:publica in Hamburg to coincide with the Reeperbahn Festival backed by Hamburg's Ministry of Culture and Media. 

Hamburg welcomes re:publica

"After a long period of mulling a suitable co-operation between re:publica and the Reeperbahn Festival, we are proud to announce that it will finally happen this year," said Alexander Schulz, CEO of the Reeperbahn Festival. "It is a great gain for Hamburg as a media and digital location that re:publica, Europe's most important conference for digital net culture, is coming to Hamburg for two days this year. Backed by the city and the embedding in the Reeperbahn Festival, we can advance the debates around the digital public sphere in a unique creative and cultural setting," said Dr Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media. 

Merger combines strengths 

The Reeperbahn Festival in St. Pauli will bring together stakeholders in the global music scene with those of commerce, the political sphere, media, marketing as well as bloggers, artists, NGOs and activists that attend the annual re:publica. The merger and the combined strengths should help expand both meets. 


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