"RPA is a valuable part of our digital strategy. We can automate processes in a very short time and thus make everyday work in the administration more attractive and efficient, The robots are used where the need arises as employees can suggest ideas for their use," said Christian Pfromm, Hamburg's Chief Digital Officer. Sebastian Lindhof, Managing Director of ZPD, pointed out: "The robot learns the procedure once from our specialist departments and then performs the routine tasks considerably faster and without errors."
Five software robots in use since mid-2021 are now automating bank returns and payrolls for Hamburg’s Centre for Personnel Services (ZPD) using Robotic Process Automation. The robots can also take over administrative processes that are not yet digitised and perform routine tasks as well. Employees now have more time to complete tasks that would have been neglected in the past.
RPA crucial to digitizing administration
Successful projects thanks to RPA training
All urban authorities and offices can contact the Senate Chancellery's Office for IT and Digitalisation (ITD) to identify processes that can be automated with RPA. To render the offer as low-threshold as possible, RPA consultation hours and training sessions were held and interested employees were trained as RPA experts in their field. The project originally took just six weeks to complete, and now has an extended reach. All kinds of ideas for using RPA have been submitted in the meantime.
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