Ties Rabe, Senator for Schools and Vocational Training, commented: "We want to give more adults an opportunity to gain further qualifications. But the requirements on adult education have become more diverse and complicated. By merging the three smaller schools into one large school, we can significantly expand the curricula and offer all the school qualifications." The merger means existing support services can be expanded and more counselling and remedial courses offered. Lessons will become more flexible and tailored to students' individual situations.
The senate has earmarked EUR 6 million in funds for an adult education centre which will open next February in downtown Hamburg, a press release said Tuesday (August 9, 2022). The building on the site of the old commercial school will then house the St. Georg night school, the school near Holstentor and the Hansa-Kolleg. Those interested can complete all the school-leaving certificates right up to the Abitur.
Centre to focus on individual life situations
Innovative learning methods and study centre
The number of students at all the three schools had dropped from 1,571 in 2011/2012 to 1,215. About half of the students who wish to complete the Abitur via the second educational path drop out. Novel types of learning and the central location should ensure higher demand and more success. Extended school hours from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. should allow single parents or shift workers to catch up on their school-leaving qualifications. The plans also foresee building a centre in which students can study independently and in peace. An online Abitur class in which 40 per cent of the lessons can be completed from home will also be offered. The adult education centre will employ around 100 teachers.
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