The funding available through Media Lift runs to a maximum of 15,000 euros per project, according to the location initiative. The facilities on offer take in a comprehensive network and mentoring programme, individually tailored workshops and courses, as well as workspaces and digital tools. Registration will remain open up to 20 March through the website of Next.Media Hamburg. Further information will be made available to those interested at an information event on 3 March.
Next.Media Hamburg is once again promoting promising business ideas at the interface of Content and Technology. Registration has opened
The location initiative Next.Media Hamburg is once again promoting innovative business ideas in the fields of Content and Technology through its Media Lift incubator. Registration has opened. According to Next Media, the event is aimed at supporting potential entrepreneurs, students and the employees of media and digital companies during the early stages of giving shape to their ideas. The goal is to firm up the ideas and ready them for the market together. Following conclusion of the incubator programme, participants will be free to set up their projects, expand them along with partners from the Hamburg Startup Ecosystem or take them back to their companies.
Media Lift: Submit registration up to 20 March
Sources and further information
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