"The project is a prime example of how we can work together with business and environmental organisations for more biodiversity in our city," said Kens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment. Every near-natural area helps protect species and improves the urban climate.. The premises of large businesses and industrial companies hold potential for creating new biotopes in the city. The project encourages companies to plant native plants, green roofs, build ponds and to reduce sealed surfaces. NABU offers interested companies free consultations.
More than 100 consultations resulting in 63 measures for the nature-oriented redesign of company premises in Hamburg have been done since the launch of the "Corporate Nature/Unternehmens Natur" project in 2014. The Ministry for the Environment, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), the Chamber of Commerce and the Association of North German Housing Companies (VNW) have taken stock of the sustainability project for more flora and fauna, a press release said Thursday (October 28, 2024).
Project encourages firms to redesign open spaces
Hamburg heading for climate neutrality by 2040
Redesigning outdoor spaces offers companies a comparatively simple way of meeting the latest sustainability requirements, according to Jan Siebrand of the Chamber of Commerce. "Companies contribute to biodiversity and promote sustainability and nature awareness in Hamburg at the same time." Thus, the project also contributes to the Hamburg 2040 strategy, which aims to make city and more innovative and sustainable.
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