Journalists, academics and international guests will give insight during panels and talks. Film screenings, workshops and exhibitions offer additional space for in-depth discussions on press freedom. The "Action Lab on Tour" in the Hamburger Meile gives visitors an opportunity to learn digital news skills in a fun way from 10 am to 8 pm (October 14-18). A photo exhibition entitled "Ukraine: Journalists in War Zones", initiated by DJV Nord, will be on show in the Bucerius Law School. In addition, the Anna Politkovskaya Square will be inaugurated on the corner of Feldbrunnenstrasse and Binderstrasse at 10 am on October 10. The square is dedicated to the memory of the Russian journalist murdered in 2006 and highlights the risks facing reporters and journalists in the country.
The City of Hamburg will highlight the importance of the freedom of the press during "Press Freedom Week" from October 13-18, 2024. Launched by the Körber Foundation and the ZEIT-Stiftung Bucerius, over 30 events will be held throughout the city under the motto "Strengthening the Media in Democracies under Pressure". Various events will focus on the role of independent reporting and obstacles to it in democratic societies.
"Freedom of the press" - hot topic
Events at a glance
Against the backdrop of the upcoming presidential elections in the United States and the recent elections in East Germany, experts will discuss the importance of a free press and how it can be strengthened on October 14 in City Hall. Speakers include Clayton Weimers, Executive Director of Reporters Without Borders (USA), Grit Baldauf of Freie Presse and Christian Wellbrock of the Hamburg Media School. The NDR Info live podcast "America, we need to talk" will be recorded live at 8pm on October 15 in the Main Library of the Hamburg Library. German news anchor and journalist, Ingo Zamperoni, will highlight the risk of targeted disinformation in the run-up to the US elections. In addition to free events, some of which require registration, the agenda also includes non-public events and exclusive events for school classes.
Sources and further information
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