Around 70 per cent of respondents said personal contact in the office is important for the emergence of tangible corporate culture. "The survey confirms our theses. Corporate culture needs an office, a physical place for interaction, creative togetherness and more," said Dr. Sabrina Zeplin, Managing Director of Xing. However, corporate culture is no longer a domain limited to management. Almost a quarter of respondents said that corporate culture is a joint process between management and employees.
The coronavirus pandemic, the state and essence of corporate culture were key to the Xing Corona Barometer compiled by the Hamburg-based Xing career network in March. Around 1,180 members of Xing in the German-speaking region were interviewed for the latest survey. The following gives an overview of the results for Germany.
Personal contact important for corporate culture
Around half of respondents note change in corporate culture
Corporate culture has changed since the outbreak of the pandemic, according to almost 49 per cent of respondents. Those interviewed miss joint (virtual) activities, experience less praise and appreciation of their work and are under greater pressure to perform or a greater psychological burden. Corporate culture has changed for the better, according to 20 per cent of respondents. Interviewees mentioned an improved trusting relationship with managers, more praise and appreciation of their work and greater clarity about strategic goals.
Feel-good manager for cultural development
Around 60 per cent of respondents came out in favour of a feel-good manager, who would actively shape corporate culture. Zeplin remarked: "Companies should think about creating an explicit position for culture development. Not simply for ordering fruit and sticking slogans on the walls, but as organisational development. This is about mechanisms to create identity, trust and retention, as well as creating an environment in which the potential of employees can contribute maximally to a company's success."
Characteristics of good corporate culture
Around 54 per cent of respondents are currently "very or rather satisfied" with corporate culture. But what constitutes a good corporate culture? Members of Xing frequently mentioned interaction with colleagues, trusting relationships with managers, praise and appreciation of their work, a positive and open approach to mistakes or tolerance of errors, and clarity about the company's mission/vision and strategic goals.
Sources and further information
Xing's "Corona Barometer"
A total of 1,176 active Xing members including 348 in Germany, 424 in Austria and 404 in Switzerland were surveyed in March 2021. The majority are so-called white-collar workers which denotes professions with a commercial, consulting, administrative and engineering focus, occupations with artistic or creative activities as well as healing professions, curative education professions and social professions. The Corona Barometer survey is conducted at regular intervals.
New Work SE
Founded in 2003 by Lars Hinrichs as the career network openBC, the company was renamed Xing in 2006 and New Work SE in 2019. It has been listed on the stock exchange since 2006 and is headquartered in Hamburg. New Work SE employs around 1,900 people in various places including Munich, Vienna and Porto.
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