Around 100 speakers will give insight into scene. "The cultural and creative industries are catalysts of innovation in our economy," said Dr Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media. GCES is the first congress of its kind and should boost creative professionals and joined-up thinking between culture, media and business. Topics on the agenda include the potential of creative work for democracy and gamification, as well as possible AI applications and funding models for the industry. Creative input will be provided by around 100 speakers including TV presenter Judith Rakers, the Deichkind band and publicist Jagoda Marinić, as well as representatives of top associations and agencies during talks, workshops and panel discussions. Concerts, live DJ sets, film screenings and exhibitions will round off the events.
The first ever German Creative Economy Summit (GCES) gets underway from March 6-7, 2024 in Hamburg's Kulturfabrik Kampnagel. Organized by the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft, around 90 events will highlight the risks and opportunities of the cultural and creative industries under the theme of "Let's join creative forces". Representatives of eleven sub-markets including music, broadcasting, film, advertising and design, performing arts, art, architecture, publishing and print media, as well as the software and games industry are expected at the summit.
Top speakers expected at summit
More creativity and economic clout
The gross value added of the creative industry came to EUR 103.7 billion in 2021 and exceeded that of other key sectors such as mechanical engineering or the chemical industry, Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft said. Brosda stressed: "The economic and social importance of the creative industry and its willingness to +shape the challenges of our time creatively make it a leading industry of the future."
Sources and further information
Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Founded in 2010, the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft is an urban institution and promotes creative industries across Hamburg. It is the contact and service point for all creative professionals and companies in the city. Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft aims to improve the framework conditions for the industry and acts as an interface between the various submarkets and towards movers and shakers in commerce, the political sphere and society.
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