Business Location


Finance City Hamburg sets up new event for women

Women's financial literacy to take centre stage on February 5, 2025

Digi Tank for safe storage goes live in Port of Hamburg

Digital twins to improve safety and environment-friendliness of tank farms - EUR 3 million for  project
S-Bahn Hamburg

Hamburg gets Germany's first fully digitalised S-Bahn network

Senate investing EUR 285 million amid rising demand for public transport

Networked research central to tecHHub Hamburg

Fledgling companies inventing cutting-edge life sciences applications in Europe's latest innovation hub
Urbane Luftmobilität

Hamburg at centre of Urban Air 2025

Windrove network bringing together commerce, science and politics on February 5 and 6
Hamburg Airport

Record passengers and flights from Hamburg Airport in 2024

14.83 million passengers and 81 per cent load factor on commercial flights
Vier junge Leute beim Brainstorming vor Rechner

Upheaval underway in Hamburg's design industry

Designers now catalysts of sustainable innovation - revolutionary AI, report by Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft finds

Latest food cluster to lead way in Europe

Spotlight on "Made in Hamburg" - Sascha Taube, Managing Director of Cluster outlines plans
Infinite Roots-Gründer Mazen Rizk, Thibault Godard und Anne-Cathrine Hutz

Exciting food novelties from Hamburg

Meat losing importance amid vegan trend - novel food creations subject to EU approval

Hamburg planning marked expansion of charging infrastructure

Five private operators to set up 10,000 charging points by 2030

"HHAI-Score" readying Hamburg for GenAI

Initiative to train 100,000 residents how to use technology free of charge

Hamburg celebrates 30th anniversary of twinning with Chicago

HamburgAmbassadors hold "Hamburg Tree Art" to mark date
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