"Compared to other ports, the results show the great connections in Hamburg's economy with many service providers attached to the cruise industry," said Westhagemann. The value added by the industry corresponds to around 4,490 additional full-time jobs just under half of which are in the hospitality sector, retail and transport. Around 63 per cent of the value added can be attributed to spending by the shipping companies.
Cruise shipping generates annual turnover of EUR 1.03 billion in Hamburg and accounts for EUR 420 million p.a. of gross value added based on 2018 data, a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Economics and Hamburg Cruise Net e. V. in late 2021 has found. The results were presented to to the Board of Trustees of the Cruise Shipping Initiative, chaired by Michael Westhagemann, Senator for Economics, in October.
Cruise industry creating 4,490 jobs
Decarbonising shipping and onshore electricity
The economic impact of the cruise industry is similar to that of Hamburg Airport, the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) found in 2017. Decarbonising shipping is one of the main challenges facing the industry at present. Hopes are also high that improved onshore infrastructure will lead to a totally environment-friendly supply of electricity in the Port of Hamburg by 2025, according to Hamburg Cruise Net.
Sources and further information
Hamburg Cruise Net
The Hamburg Cruise Net e. V. (HCN) is the umbrella organisation of the cruise industry in Hamburg. The association has around 100 members in the cruise and tourism sector. The public-private partnership aims to increase Hamburg's attractiveness as a cruise port and for cruise-related companies.
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