The steel-hulled, four-masted barque, Peking, which was brought back from New York in 2017, will go on show in the Hamburg Port Museum while the "Marlen" fishing vessel will be exhibited in Wismar. Visitors can go on guided tours of the St. Pauli Elbtunnel, built in 1911, on September 23, 2023 or visit the Koggenooer sewage pumping station in Wismar. Various talks such as the Dialogical Theme Evening on September 22, 2023 in the HafenCity boiler house will highlight industrial culture and the importance of water for industry.
"Days of Industrial Culture" in Hamburg Metropolitan Region
Around 112 historic industrial sites and museums will open their doors to celebrate "Days of Industrial Culture on the Waterfront" (September 23-24, 2023) and reveal hidden gems and technology found in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. Visitors can go on guided tours, watch demonstrations and take part in hands-on activities from Cuxhaven to Schwerin and from Ostholstein to Allertal. Emphasis is on waterways, tributaries, port facilities, locks, ships, lighthouses, bridges, mills, shipyards, factories and power plants in the region.
Two historic ships on show
Discovering history and technology
A tour of the Altona Harbour on September 23 will trace urban development along the banks of the Elbe between Fischmarkt and Neumühlen. Two restored cranes in the museum, Museumshafen Harburg, serve as reminders of life in the inland harbour. Round trips on September 24 will give visitors an idea of efforts to revive and develop the former industrial area. These special days will also feature pleasure steamers, steam icebreakers, fire-fighting vessels and an artificial dredger in Finkenwerder Kutterhafen. The Museumshafen Övelgönne will exhibit fishing and cargo ships, as well as steam tugs and historic motorboats.
Events outside of Hamburg
The City of Parchim will open the doors of the Eldemühle mill which has been converted for cultural purposes and the waterworks. The Lübeck-Siems oil mill will be presented before it is demolished. Lauenburg is opening its archive on shipping on the Elbe while neighbouring Buchhorst will also host an event. The former maritime school in Grünendeich, including the planetarium, will open its doors on the Lower Elbe.
Sources and further information
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