"The utilisation of surfaces that have remained unused thus far – roofs of halls and warehouses, or peripheral areas – offers the opportunity to make a major contribution to decarbonisation," Hamburg Economy Senator Melanie Leonhard says. Port of Hamburg pursuing ambitious sustainability targets. Hamburger Energiewerke is already operating six wind turbines in the port area. The intention is for a large proportion of the power demand of the port economy, the HPA and the port companies to be covered by renewables, such as solar panels and wind turbines, over the medium term, Hamburg Senator for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture Jens Kerstan says.
More solar and wind power in the port area – this is the aim of the two municipal companies Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) and Hamburger Energiewerke (HEnW) [Hamburg Power Generation] in setting up the "Erneuerbare Hafenenergie Hamburg GmbH" [Hamburg Port Renewable Energy] joint venture. The joint aim here is to drive forward a green energy transition and to develop regenerative solutions in energy. A feasibility study is to conduct an initial investigation into specific plans with a potential output of around 70 megawatts.
The energy transition in the Port of Hamburg: Expanding renewable energy on unused surfaces
Joint venture expected to be set up in the spring of 2024
Hamburger Energiewerke CEO Michael Prinz notes that permit requirements are particularly strict in the Port of Hamburg. The significant skills needed for a successful energy transition will be bundled in the consortium being planned. The HPA is responsible for managing and developing land in the port, while HEnW will provide expertise on the equipment for generating renewable forms of energy. An assessment within the framework of the Hamburg state budget will be required for setting up the new company. Results are expected during the spring.
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