"The interdisciplinary team behind 'NEUSTART' brings together partners with diverse expertise and research approaches who will make the knowledge gained available to patients with medulloblastoma," said Dr. Martin Mynarek, Clinic and Polyclinic for Paediatric Haematology and Oncology at UKE. Emphasis is on developing molecular-based, personalised therapies to increase the radiosensitivity of medulloblastoma. Progress should increase the effectiveness of radiotherapy and reduce the risk of long-term side effects. The funding is part of the German government's Seventh Energy Research Scheme and underlines the importance of this research field.
The German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced EUR 1.8 million in funds for the New Innovative strategies for Radiosensitisation of Medulloblastomas (NEUSTART) project, a press release said Tuesday (May 7, 2024). The University Medical Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) will receive EUR 1.2 million of that sum after joining forces with the University Hospital Essen to come up with new approaches to medulloblastomas – a common type of cancer in children. Around 500 new cases of such brain tumours are diagnosed every year making it one of the most widespread childhood cancers.
Radiobiological research to transform tumour therapy
Cancer research at UKE progressing
The UKE is going to tremendous efforts to bring new cancer medication to the clinic. The hospital is also managing the EU-funded international research project GUIDE.MRD and is establishing a national innovation centre for new cancer medication with the University Hospital Bonn. This project received millions in funding earlier this year.
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